Strategy for Ending Child Marriages

This Campaign Plan presents the Youth Response for Social Change Donate Now


Child marriage is a marriage in which either one of the parties, or both, is or was a child under the age of 18 at the time of the union. At 42%, Malawi has one of the highest prevalence of child marriage, defined as the percentage of women 20-24 years old who were first married or in union before they were 20 years old. Child marriage is one of the key factors affecting the chances of Malawi achieving her development goals in the education, health, economic and other sectors.

This Campaign Plan presents the Youth Response for Social Change (YRSC) strategic processes for achieving the desired results of the USAID funded project titled “Social Transformation for Ending Child Marriage in Machinga.” The project is being implemented in Machinga District in the areas surrounding T.A Mchunguza, Kawinga, Mulomba and Chikweo.

Project Goal

The goal of the project is to “create and energize a movement of young people to end child marriages in Machinga.” The youth movement intends to change the mindset of traditional gate keepers, power holders and opinion leaders within the impact area to reduce or end child marriages. Specifically, the project intends to achieve the following objectives:
  1. To increase youth participation and demand for action in the prevention of forced marriages through wider community and Government engagement.
  2. To increase community awareness on the challenges of early child marriages and viable solutions applied among boys, girls, community leaders and Government.
  3. To improve community action and responsiveness on addressing early child marriages in local communities.
  4. iv. To enhance enforcement of national laws and community by-laws linking SRHR and early child marriages through a responsive justice system

A closer look at the Project results

These are success stories spanning from Ending childing marriages project campiagn

After yielding to peer pressure, Sellina sets her sight on the future

Dec. 15th

While many girls in her area have fallen into relationships and early marriages because of poverty in their homes,

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Teachers in Machinga rally girl children out of early marriages

Jan. 4th

Ackim Mtayamanja was sitting in a dimly lit office, crammed with books and other school materials. On his desk was a sheet

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Call for support to YRSC’s work of bringing girls back in class

Sep. 15th 21

A stone-throw away from Mpiranjala CDSS is Zainab Alfred’s home. Zainab is 17. She is in Form 2 at the school. She is the firts born

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